Gettin into the Time Lapse
Here is my second attempt at time lapse photos, the first one i've already made into a gif which is waaay to big for posting. I did this one on my birthday and it came out rather well. It was really easy, just set the camera up to take a photo every 5 min for 100 frames.
A real easy way to turn time lapse shots into a GIF:
A real easy way to turn time lapse shots into a GIF:
- Upload, export and re-size all the photos to 150px using Picasa.
- Open the first image in theGIMP (Photoshop for people with no money).
- Then open each of the files as a layer.
- Save the file as a GIF and let theGIMP take care of the rest.
At 8:41 am, Drew said…
I like it! Very cool. It's a pity it can't be bigger - but it would be too big then, I guess.
Does the camera automatically determine shutterspeed etc on time lapse mode? I mean, it does the night shots reasonably well too - this would be a lot of time and effort on a manual SLR...
At 10:51 am, BOB said…
Yep, I it set on Aperture Priority and it auto adjusted the shutter speed for the evening shots.
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